Ending The Project

To the cEDH community,

After careful consideration, we regret to announce that the cEDH Rules Committee project is coming to an end. We made it clear that if we believed this project would divide the community rather than unite it, we would not hesitate to step away. Unfortunately, we have reached that point.

While we believe that a project like this is feasible, its success depends on being built organically from within the community itself. cEDH is a vast and diverse group, filled with amazing individuals from various backgrounds, but uniting everyone under a single vision has proven to be incredibly difficult. For a similar group to be truly effective, it must encompass the perspectives from a much larger portion of the community.

Despite the challenges, we remain optimistic about the future of cEDH. The format continues to grow, and we are confident that it will evolve in exciting and positive ways. We hope that future efforts to bring positive changes to the format will succeed, especially if they come directly from within the community we all love.

Our goal has always been to foster unity and mutual respect, and it is vital that we all continue to support one another, even in the face of disagreements. We're all part of this community because we share a love for cEDH, even though we might have different perspectives on how to make it better.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this initiative. We look forward to watching the continued growth and success of the cEDH format.

Evan Pierce / FreedomWaffle


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